Cap a una escola Teal Girafa

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Finished 29 / 08 / 2020
$ 36,142
$ 17,304
$ 47,296
123 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Thank you!

    Sometimes I like to think of living things on our planet as cells in the body of the Earth. Each has its role, interacting with other cells, giving and receiving, receiving and giving. The ecosystem is self-regulating through give and take.
    Helen M. Adamson - “Reflexiones sobre el dar y recibir"

    We are so grateful for your donation regardless of the amount each person can and wishes to chip in. In exchange we are offering our donors different kind of trainings, interaction and conversation in person and online.
    On September 21st, 2020, the registration process will be sent and published at

    Your name will be published (if you wish) in the Friends section of,
    alongside all the people and organizations accompanying us on this trip.

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22

    Thank you!

    Sometimes I like to think of living things on our planet as cells in the body of the Earth. Each has its role, interacting with other cells, giving and receiving, receiving and giving. The ecosystem is self-regulating through give and take.
    Helen M. Adamson - “Reflexiones sobre el dar y recibir"

    We are so grateful for your donation regardless of the amount each person can and wishes to chip in. In exchange we are offering our donors different kind of trainings, interaction and conversation in person and online.
    On September 21st, 2020, the registration process will be sent and published at

    Your name will be published (if you wish) in the Friends section of,
    alongside all the people and organizations accompanying us on this trip.

    > 22 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Thank you!

    Sometimes I like to think of living things on our planet as cells in the body of the Earth. Each has its role, interacting with other cells, giving and receiving, receiving and giving. The ecosystem is self-regulating through give and take.
    Helen M. Adamson - “Reflexiones sobre el dar y recibir"

    We are so grateful for your donation regardless of the amount each person can and wishes to chip in. In exchange we are offering our donors different kind of trainings, interaction and conversation in person and online.
    On September 21st, 2020, the registration process will be sent and published at

    Your name will be published (if you wish) in the Friends section of,
    alongside all the people and organizations accompanying us on this trip.

    > 31 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 109

    Thank you!

    Sometimes I like to think of living things on our planet as cells in the body of the Earth. Each has its role, interacting with other cells, giving and receiving, receiving and giving. The ecosystem is self-regulating through give and take.
    Helen M. Adamson - “Reflexiones sobre el dar y recibir"

    We are so grateful for your donation regardless of the amount each person can and wishes to chip in. In exchange we are offering our donors different kind of trainings, interaction and conversation in person and online.
    On September 21st, 2020, the registration process will be sent and published at

    Your name will be published (if you wish) in the Friends section of,
    alongside all the people and organizations accompanying us on this trip.

    > 17 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 163

    Thank you!

    Sometimes I like to think of living things on our planet as cells in the body of the Earth. Each has its role, interacting with other cells, giving and receiving, receiving and giving. The ecosystem is self-regulating through give and take.
    Helen M. Adamson - “Reflexiones sobre el dar y recibir"

    We are so grateful for your donation regardless of the amount each person can and wishes to chip in. In exchange we are offering our donors different kind of trainings, interaction and conversation in person and online.
    On September 21st, 2020, the registration process will be sent and published at

    Your name will be published (if you wish) in the Friends section of,
    alongside all the people and organizations accompanying us on this trip.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 271

    Thank you!

    Sometimes I like to think of living things on our planet as cells in the body of the Earth. Each has its role, interacting with other cells, giving and receiving, receiving and giving. The ecosystem is self-regulating through give and take.
    Helen M. Adamson - “Reflexiones sobre el dar y recibir"

    We are so grateful for your donation regardless of the amount each person can and wishes to chip in. In exchange we are offering our donors different kind of trainings, interaction and conversation in person and online.
    On September 21st, 2020, the registration process will be sent and published at

    Your name will be published (if you wish) in the Friends section of,
    alongside all the people and organizations accompanying us on this trip.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 543


    Option 1: show around El Planter
    Meeting with the trainers staff.
    Maximum: group of 12 people. 5 hours.

    Option 2: advisory for staff meeting by Gisela Colell.
    May be in done either Catalan, Spanish or English; online or in person, across Catalonia travel expenses covered.
    Maximum 15 hours.

    Your name will be published (if you wish) in the Friends section of, alongside all the people and organizations accompanying us on this trip.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 814


    Option 1: show around El Planter
    Meeting with the trainers staff.
    Maximum: group of 12 people. 5 hours.

    Option 2: advisory for staff meeting by Gisela Colell.
    May be in done either Catalan, Spanish or English; online or in person, across Catalonia travel expenses covered.
    Maximum 15 hours.

    Your name will be published (if you wish) in the Friends section of, alongside all the people and organizations accompanying us on this trip.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,170


    Taking the first steps toward a Teal organization.
    Presentation and debate on Teal organizations.
    Workshop "Introduction to Nonviolent Communication (CNV)", as an accelerating tool of the Teal organization.
    Maximum: group of 12 people. 1 day.
    Travel expenses not included

    Your name will be published (if you wish) in the Friends section of, alongside all the people and organizations accompanying us on this trip.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,341


    Taking the first steps toward Teal’s managerial culture
    Block 1 +
    Presentation and debate on Teal management.
    Nonviolent Communication laboratory on a specific theme.
    Deceleration workshop, in search of balance in Teal management.
    Maximum: group of 12 people. 1 day.
    Travel expenses not included.

    Your name will be published (if you wish) in the Friends section of, alongside all the people and organizations accompanying us on this trip.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 6,511


    The Teal project in any organization key departments
    Blocks 1 and 2 +
    Presentation and debate with the creators of El Planter.
    Nonviolent Communication Laboratory on a specific theme.
    Workshop "Implications of the model in managing people and roles".
    Maximum: group of 12 people. 1 day.
    Travel expenses not included

    Your name will be published (if you wish) in the Friends section of, alongside all the people and organizations accompanying us on this trip.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 8,682


    The person in Teal universe
    Blocks 1, 2 and 3 +
    Presentation about oneself view in small group meeting .
    Nonviolent Communication Laboratory on a specific theme.
    Workshop on “Team's uncertainty facing a new model”
    Maximum: group of 12 people. 1 day.
    Travel expenses not included

    Your name will be published (if you wish) in the Friends section of, alongside all the people and organizations accompanying us on this trip.

    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

We are a living school. In a year’s time we will have consolidated the Teal Giraffe school project and become financially self-reliant.

Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Partial scholarships
We will grant 6 partial scholarships for the academic year 2020/21. The Planter is a project funded by students’ families many whom of being economically strained as result of COVID-19. New pupils' enrolment rate is fairly concerning.
$ 14,325
Campaign commissions
The fundraising campaign costs in form of commissions (5% for GOTEO and 0.8% for bank) from the minimum collection
$ 1,004
Rewards' costs
The costs of logistics, material as well as the infrastructure rental of all the reward activities that are to be carried out.
$ 1,184
Campaign commissions
The fundraising campaign costs in form of commissions (5% for GOTEO and 0.8% for bank) from the optimum collection
$ 1,738
Partial scholarships
Additionally, we will grant 9 partial scholarships for the academic year 2020/21. The Planter is a project funded by students’ families many whom of being economically strained as result of COVID-19. New pupils‘ enrolment rate is fairly concerning.
$ 21,487
Rewards' costs
The costs of logistics, material as well as the infrastructure rental of all the reward activities that are to be carried out.
$ 3,209
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Creation of communication and learning tool to inform about the results of the project
We will share everything we do on a regular basis also sharing knowledge with the education community The recording and editing of audiovisual material on the ongoing learning process at El Planter and the processes followed.
$ 791
Creation of communication and learning tool to inform about the results of the project
We will share everything we do on a regular basis also sharing knowledge with the education community The recording and editing of audiovisual material on the ongoing learning process at El Planter and the processes followed.
$ 3,558
Total $ 17,304 $ 47,296

General information

El Planter is a self-managed living education designed for a secondary education stage. The fulfillment and happiness of the person constitutes the core of this project. We firmly believe that a meaningful learning is born out of a genuine motivation. Our philosophy has led us to fuse the concepts of Teal and Giraffe school into an educational space for secondary school. Now we need your help to make it a reality.

The 2020/21 academic year was the year of this consolidation. We would have reached the minimum number necessary for the self-sustainability of the project thanks to the arrival of new young people, but the crisis caused by COVID-19 has brought about a sudden change in the economic situation of families as in the educational community and those who were about to join El Planter.

85% of the money you donate will account for the scholarships allowing young people to continue with their study. Everyday’s school program is decided together with them. In fact they have a say into shaping up the contents of the subjects.
The remaining part will go for sharing our progress globally.
These school experiences could mean a gold mine of knowledge to be shared with the region and its social initiatives, the education and business world also with you. In a nutshell we are aiming at doing things anew.

This campaign is approved by Frederic Laloux, author of the book "Reinventing Organizations" and Helen M. Adamson, Certified Trainer for the Center for Nonviolent Communication. We are moved by a common purpose: to help co-create a world of peace, freedom and happiness.

Wanting to know what Teal means? Don't know what a Giraffe school is? Are you eager to know how we work at El Planter?
Keep reading!

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign


Teal is referred to both non-profitable and profitable organizations and companies as presented in Frederic Laloux's book "Reinventing Organizations". The self-published book in English is the best-selling business book of the last 10 years, it has been translated into 17 languages and has sold more than 600,000 copies. It features 12 pioneering organizations, including a school, that have evolved into ways of doing things that generate greater well-being for people and at the same time improve economic outcomes
The book is inspiring many organizations around the world to begin a process of change toward ways of doing things based on other principles: individual responsibility (no hierarchies, no imposed schedules, etc.), fullness (feminine energy, emotional support, spirituality, Nonviolent Communication) and the evolutionary purpose (without strategic plans, constantly evolving to adapt to a world full of changes and new needs, etc.). It is aimed at people like us who, while perceiving that something has been broken in the way we have so far imagined the world, trust, like the organizations presented in the book, in the capacity of the human being to build new ways of living together.

From this educational initiative, we are proposing to give young people an opportunity to grow according to these same principles:
Individual responsibility, fullness and evolutionary purpose.
We want to accomplish that through the use of a new language in the service of this new reality: Nonviolent Communication.

Nonviolent Communication (also called Giraffe Language) was developed by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Doctor of clinical Psychology, educator and recognized mediator in international conflicts. It is a tool that helps us connect with what is alive in us and intensifies our awareness of the meaning of giving and receiving naturally. It aims to strengthen the capacities to awaken empathy in others and to respond with empathy towards others and towards ourselves. It allows us to rethink our way of expressing ourselves, listening and resolving conflicts.
Marshall Rosenberg founded the so-called Giraffe Schools, which were governed by the following principles:

  • Young people, families and companions learn together, and from each other;
  • Learning objectives, rules and boundaries are agreed upon by all and refer to all;
  • Young people are motivated by intrinsic values, needs and desires;
  • There are no coercive measures of any kind;
  • Companions listen and take into account the needs expressed by the young people;
  • Young people take full responsibility for their learning processes and behavior

Now that you know what a Teal - Giraffe school is, we would like you to imagine The Planter and its day to day life. At El Planter we have been for 4 years structuring ourselves in this way and employing these tools to communicate and relate.
In order to completing out this process we have gotten:

  • To be able to cope with the economic shock Covid-19 involves for our community.
  • Complete the training of the companions.
  • Invest in a series of teaching materials.
  • Generate pedagogical documentation to share with the world of education.
    In case the fundraising exceeds our expectation, our next move is clearly to rehabilitate the third floor of the estate to turn it into a new art workshop, open and bright.
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Why this is important

For the families wishing to give their sons and daughters a different opportunity.

For families that know what they really don’t want.

To all people from the territorial environment involved in social initiatives.

To the women and men from the field of education, who want the sustainability of projects such as El Planter to establish a dialogue for the exchange of experiences, methodologies and teaching tools in the secondary stage.

The Nonviolent Communication community that seeks to see how this language of life reaches more and more young people.

To the organizations and companies interested in learning about new models of creation and organizational management. Also organizations and companies that are known to be close to: Teal, NER, Sociocracy, Holacracia, B-Corp.

To the investors, business angels, benefactors and sponsors, who have the financial means to accelerate, consolidate and scale up these types of projects.

To the people with whom we share the purpose: to contribute, with love.

And to those who have just read these words.

The Planter needs so badly your help; this is why we are asking you for it. In exchange, we’re offering you a range of plans for interaction and conversation.
You can read about in the rewards section.

We consciously offer the full range of rewards (different exchange proposals; training, interaction and conversation) regardless of the amount of the donation. Our intention is to thank the effort and solidarity that is in every act of giving .


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Team and experience

The El Planter Educational Project Association was created by a few people with a common vision and purpose. Fostering the notion of individual responsibility, contributing to extend a world of peace, freedom and happiness are some of the cornerstone the whole project spins around.
In 2015, we co-created El Planter, a self-managed cooperative model in all its areas.
These people, mostly families from the El Planter community, are committed to sustaining and driving the educational project in its growth. We are now running El Planter throughout this fundraising campaign.
In addition to be giving educational support to the group of young people in their daily lives, we are backed up by experts in the field of education who are providing us with some guidance on a variety of activities our students do.

Marc Morató
Co-founding member, coordinator and coach at El Planter. Academic advisor in the scientific-technological and mathematical fields.
Bachelor’s degree in chemistry. Research into pedagogical innovation projects. Entrepreneur in the field of non-formal education in childhood and adolescence.

Judit Commeleran
Co-founding member, coordinator and coach at El Planter. Mediation and conflict resolution.
Mother of one son and two daughters. Disseminator and trainer of Non-Violent Communication. Chi Nei Tsang massage therapist. Graphic design and communication.

Sílvia Sorolla
Coach at El Planter. Academic advisor in the artistic and social fields.
Bachelor’s degree in Art and Design. Holding a master's degree in teaching. Leisure education trainer, and linked to Scouting. Formed in group processes and in feminist perspective.

Richard Balamou
Coach at El Planter. Academic advisor in the field of foreign languages.
Father of a daughter and a son. Bachelor’s degree in Translation and Interpretation. English coach in language acquisition process and French teacher. Overseas connections.

Noel Pintó
Co-founding member and coach at El Planter.
Father of a daughter and two sons. Accompanying development processes. Formed in living education and 14 years accompanying processes in children and families.

Laura Pujol
Co-founding member, coordinator and psycho-pedagogical support at El Planter.
Mother of a daughter and a son. Psycho pedagogue and social educator. Trained in Systemic Pedagogy and Gestalt Therapy.
Gisela Colell
Coach at El Planter. Academic advisor in the linguistic field.
Teacher and educational advisor, associate professor of the Master's Degree in Secondary Education at the UB.
Dalmau Boada
Coach at El Planter. Advisor in the artistic field.
Father of a daughter. Music teacher. Educator. Musician and producer. Trained in Music Education and Generative Coaching.

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Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Quality Education

    Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

    There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.