¡No nos callarán! (Nosotras insonorizamos)

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Financié le 08 / 01 / 2016
$ 20,072
$ 14,251
$ 20,947
373 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 11

    Mención en nuestra web.

    Vamos a hacer un agradecimiento a todas las personas que apoyéis el proyecto de la Eskalera Karakola haciendo una mención en nuestra web, para que quede constancia de vuestro apoyo.

    > 26 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 13

    Bolsa de tela con el diseño de la campaña y mención en nuestra web.

    Bolsa de tela con el diseño de la campaña. Podrás recogerla en puntos concretos de las siguientes ciudades: Barcelona, Berlin, Bilbao, Bruselas, Gijón, Granada, León, Madrid, Malaga, Oviedo, San Sebastian, Sevilla, Valencia. Si tu residencia no está cerca de estas ciudades, o vives fuera del estado, háznoslo saber para buscar la amanera de hacértelo llegar. También mención en nuestra web.

    > 92 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 27

    Camiseta con el diseño de la campaña y mención en nuestra web.

    Camiseta con certificado contra la explotación laboral e infantil, con diseño de la campaña.
    Podrás recogerla en puntos concretos de las siguientes ciudades: Barcelona, Berlin, Bilbao, Bruselas, Gijón, Granada, León, Madrid, Malaga, Oviedo, San Sebastian, Sevilla, Valencia. Si tu residencia no está cerca de estas ciudades, o vives fuera del estado, háznoslo saber para buscar la manera de mandártela. También mención en nuestra web.

    > 71 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 38

    Camiseta y bolsa de tela, más mención en nuestra web.

    Camiseta y bolsa de tela, con certificado contra la explotación laboral e infantil, con el diseño de la campaña. Podrás recogerla en puntos concretos de las siguientes ciudades: Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Oviedo, Granada y Valencia. Barcelona, Berlin, Bilbao, Bruselas, Gijón, Granada, León, Madrid, Malaga, Oviedo, San Sebastian, Sevilla, Valencia. Si tu residencia no está cerca de estas ciudades, o vives fuera del estado, háznoslo saber para buscar la manera de mandártela.

    > 42 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 54

    Pack de dos camisetas y una bolsa de tela con el diseño de la campaña y mención en nuestra web.

    Un pack de dos camisetas y una bolsa de tela, con certificado contra la explotación laboral e infantil, con el diseño de la campaña. Podrás recogerla en puntos concretos de las siguientes ciudades: Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao, Oviedo, Granada y Valencia. Barcelona, Berlin, Bilbao, Bruselas, Gijón, Granada, León, Madrid, Malaga, Oviedo, San Sebastian, Sevilla, Valencia. Si tu residencia no está cerca de estas ciudades, o vives fuera del estado, háznoslo saber para buscar la manera de mandártela. Mención en nuestra web.

    > 56 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 87

    Encuentro con el colectivo de la Eskalera Karakola que te interese, Pack de dos camisetas y una bolsa de tela con el diseño de la campaña y Mención en nuestra web.

    Encuentro con un colectivo de la Eskalera Karakola con el que te gustaría conversar sobre su proyecto, su experiencia, sus apuestas políticos y acercarte un poco más al cotidiano de la Karakola. También, un pack de dos camisetas y una bolsa de tela con el diseño de la campaña y mención en nuestra web.

    > 04 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 109

    Un curso de streaming de radio por internet, un taller de autodefensa, pack de dos camisetas y dos bolsas de tela con el diseño de la campaña y mención en nuestra a web.

    Un curso de streaming de radio por internet impartido por el equipo de Sangre Fuscia en el estudio de radio de la Eskalera Karakola. Un taller de autodefensa para mujeres, bolleras y trans de dos horas, donde practicarás técnicas de autodefensa basadas en el cuerpo, la voz y el físico disfrutando del local reformado. Además, un pack de dos camisetas y una bolsa de tela con el diseño de la campaña y mención en nuestra web.

    > 25 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 163

    Taller de “Cuenta cuentos en lengua de signos (LSE)”, dos packs de dos camisetas y dos bolsas de tela con el diseño de la campaña y mención en nuestra web.

    Taller de “Cuenta cuentos en lengua de signos (LSE)”, impartido por Somateca. Trae los ojos para ver cómo sucede la ficción. Si no sabes lengua de signos, no te preocupes, te sorprenderá su gran capacidad de comunicar. ¡Aprenderás! Y además, una intérprete hará la interpretación a la lengua oral.
 Si sabes un poquito de lengua de signos o sabes mucho o eres sordx y es tu lengua habitual, sabes a lo que nos referimos ;). También, dos packs de dos camisetas y dos bolsas de tela con el diseño de la campaña. Y, por supuesto, mención en nuestra web.

    > 06 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 271

    Un fin de semana en la Eskelera Karakola: Un curso de streaming de radio por internet, intensivo de autodefensa, 2 packs de dos camisetas y dos bolsas de tela con el diseño de la campaña y mención en nuestra web.

    Un fin de semana (con posibilidad de alojamiento para aquellas personas que vienen de fuera de Madrid) con dos actividades: Un curso de streaming de radio por internet impartido por el equipo de Sangre Fuscia en el estudio de radio de la Eskalera Karakola. Un intensivo de autodefensa, para mujeres, bolleras y trans, donde trabajaremos físico, cuerpo y voz. También, dos packs de dos camisetas y dos bolsas de tela con el diseño de la campaña y mención en nuestra web.

    > 02 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 326

    Un fin de semana en la Eskelera Karakola: Taller de “Cuenta cuentos en lengua de signos (LSE)”, intensivo de autodefensa, dos packs de dos camisetas y dos bolsas con el diseño de la campaña y mención en nuestra web.

    Un fin de semana (con posibilidad de alojamiento para aquellas personas que viene de fuera de Madrid) con dos actividades:
    Un día taller de “Cuenta cuentos en lengua de signos (LSE)”, impartido por Somateca. Trae los ojos para ver cómo sucede la ficción. Si no sabes lengua de signos, no te preocupes, te sorprenderá su gran capacidad de comunicar. ¡Aprenderás! Y además, una intérprete hará la interpretación a la lengua oral.
Si sabes un poquito de lengua de signos o sabes mucho o eres sordx y es tu lengua habitual, sabes a lo que nos referimos ;).
    Y otro día un intensivo de autodefensa transfeminista, solo para mujeres, bolleras y trans, donde trabajaremos físico, cuerpo y voz, y aprenderás herramienta de empoderamiento individual y colectivo, más taller de consentimiento, dinamizado por las compañeras de Feminismos Sol junto con las compañeras de Autodefensa.
    También, dos packs de dos camisetas y dos bolsas de tela con el diseño de la campaña y mención en nuestra web.

    > 02 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 543

    Organización de un evento en el local reformado (de acuerdo con las condiciones y los valores de la Eskalera Karakola). Un pack de dos camisetas y dos bolsas de tela con el diseño de la campaña. Mención en nuestra web.

    Organización de un evento en el local reformado (de acuerdo con las condiciones del local y con los valores de la Eskalera Karakola). Un pack de dos camisetas y dos bolsas de tela con el diseño de la campaña. Mención en nuestra web.

    > 02 Cofinanceurs

À propos du projet

We decide when and how to be silenced, so we're going to fix up and soundproof La Eskalera Karakola to be able to continue with our public activities.

Budget Infrastructure Minimal Optimal
Aislamiento acustico
Aislamiento acústico del local
$ 14,251
Tabiques con aislamiento acústico baño
Tabiques con aislamiento acústico baño
$ 499
Licencia de obras
4% de licencia de obras
$ 588
Material de fontaneria
Material de fontaneria
$ 702
Budget Tâche Minimal Optimal
puerta con half semiacústica
Puerta con half semiacústica
$ 506
Suelo vinílico con rodapié
Suelo vinílico con rodapié
$ 2,245
Traslado de dos ventanas
Traslado de dos ventanas
$ 256
Budget Matériel Minimal Optimal
Instalación eléctrica
Instalación eléctrica
$ 1,899
Total $ 14,251 $ 20,947

Informations générales

The public women's house- Escalera Karakola, started 20 years ago with the occupation of an old bread factory building situated on Embajadores Street in the Lavapies neighbourhood, Madrid. This became one of the first examples of an occupied space and centre of feminist activities run by and for women in Madrid. As such it has also provided a space for rethinking feminism, from new perspectives and questioning its eurocentrism.

After 9 years of life in this old building, fighting to defend our right to continue in the neighbourhood, the local council offered to rent us 2 buildings to be run and maintained by ourselves. These buildings are located in the blocks of the original old building. To begin, these spaces were completely derelict (no water, electricity, walls, floor) so we had to start from scratch. Also, in this new space we dreamed of setting up a radio studio. We decided to do all the renovations ourselves. Despite being a slow and expensive, it was a truly passionate and motivating experience. We fixed up the first building as a work and meeting space and the radio studio. The second building was designed more for public activities and workshops but due to lack of time, forces and funding, we were only able to complete basic renovations. Both buildings were adapted to be accessible to people with diverse needs, not for legal reasons, rather that the Eskalera Karakola, as a public, political (and also intimate) space, is used daily by diverse organizations.

Now, nearly 10 years later, the local council is demanding that improvements in the second building are made to meet legal regulations if we are to continue using it as a public space. This means more renovations including soundproofing so as not to disturb the nearby neighbours.

Caractéristiques principales

The aim is to raise enough money in order to complete the renovations demanded by the local council to be able to use again the Escalera Karakola with all the different types of activities that we usually have. We aim to create a warm atmosphere, accessible to everyone, also with consideration for the neighbours in the knowledge that they won't be bothered by noise.

We have to make various improvements to continue with our activities:
-Soundproofing and thermal insulation of the space
-Changing the main door to guarantee the soundproofing
-Insulation and remodelling of the toilet to make it accessible for people with functional diversity.


Pourquoi est-ce important

This project is important for:
-People who think that it is important that an autonomous, self-managed, transfeminist and feminist space, continues existing in the centre of Madrid.
-People who believe that it is necessary that safe spaces, where the diversity of people with functional, gender or sexual identification, have to be key elements for social transformation. This means an accessible place where everybody is welcome, but also where there is respect for self-identification where any kind of identity is promoted, accepted and defended.
-People who support the existence of food cooperatives and direct relationships between consumers and producers, that also allows and encourages other types of relations in terms of connecting rural areas and the city.


Objectifs de la campagne de crowdfunding

The aim is to raise enough money in order to complete the renovations demanded by the local counciI to be able to use again the Escalera Karakola with all the different types of activities that we usually have. We aim to create a warm atmosphere, accessible to everyone, also with consideration for the neighbours in the knowledge that they won't be bothered by noise.

The basic goal is to obtain the initial 13.132€ that would allow the acoustic insulation and soundproofing of the space.
If we reach the optimal goal of 19.302€, apart from soundproofing the space, we’ll be able to change the main door for a semi-acoustic one, insulate and improve the toilet so it is accessible to everyone and thermally insulate the windows, leaving the place completely finished.

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Expérience antérieure et équipe

As we don't receive public financial support or any other kind of grants, for the past years, La Eskalera Karakola has been running thanks to the contributions of its members and supporters and from the small but continuous contributions coming from the collectives and projects that give life to our place. These small amounts are enough to pay the bills and cover all the daily expenses of both buildings, such us rent, community taxes, water, gas, etc. The initial work to prepare for use the two buildings were paid for thanks to the collaboration and cooperation of members, supporters, friends and allies of this project.

The collectives that are working currently at the space are:

BAH de verde
Cooperative group (Bajo el Asfalto está la huerta). We are a self-sufficient cooperative group. We produce vegetables in rented lands in Perales de Tajuña that we distribute and consume ourselves. One Sunday each month, we make an agroecological lunch, which is called "V-Vermut". Our aim with this activity is to raise awareness about our own project, agroecology and other ecologically friendly ways of consumption. It also allows us to raise funds for the cooperatives expenses.

En Lucha
We are an organization of revolutionary people, feminists and anticapitalists who fight for a different world. A world without oppression, state or private property. To do this we come together, create and fight in different social movements: feminist, ecologist, trade unions, LGBTIQ, animal liberation, students etc. We believe that to achieve social, ecological and gender justice, reforms are not enough; a grass roots social revolution is essential. Those who are in power and privilege today wont let it go easily. We edit a newspaper, a debate magazine, flyers and books. We also organise different public activities to spread our ideas.

Espacio Viernes (Friday Space)
Espacio Viernes (Friday Space) was created to generate common ground within feminism through different artistic and cultural expression, in the form of a multiformat laboratory. It will be a place where different workshops will take place, which attempt to encourage reflection, play and the political implication of those involved to promote a world of more horizontal relationships, through caring for and respecting others.

Self-run food cooperative. We meet in the Karakola on Tuesday evenings to try and consume in a fairer, more local, healthier, tastier and cheaper way. To do that we make our lives a little bit more complicated, although once you get the hang of it its easy. We remedy little difficulties with beer. Sometimes it seems chaotic but it’s a chaos that works.

Migrantxs Trasngresorxs (Transgressive Migrants)
We are a collective of diverse migrants with different sexual and gender identities (neocolonized, precarious, transfeminist and intercultural) who transit between geographies and bodily, emotional and symbolic territories to deconstruct and construct spaces from which political and sociocultural representations are proposed that vindicate transgressive actions.
Our actions are framed within the participation in activist and academic spaces. We form part of the transfeminist movement and the activities that are organized from it. As a collective we drive the campaign “I decide my own name” so that trans people can decide their name on their I.D.

Pandi Trans
We are a collective of people self-indentify as trans*, brought together by the need to feel supported within our own community, and during the situations that we face. We are our own chosen trans family, which is one of self-care, accompaniment and self-managed.
We come from different realities, places and activisms. We go through different body and geopolitic frontiers. One of our aims is to pass and break through those barriers imposed by the heteropatriarcal structures and the establishment power, which limit, restrict and incapacitate our daily wellbeing.

Sangre Fucsia
Sangre Fucsia (Fuchsia Blood) is the loud zine of Ágora Sol Radio that broadcast from Eskalera Karakola. Each Friday we take the effervescence of Madrid (and worldwide) and transform it in sounds, noises, words. We celebrate feminist culture, edge art, subversive poetry and music made by women and transformative activism. To make radio is a visceral desire, so strong and intense as blood. It is dyeing of fuchsia that goes beyond and encompasses violet, red-black, pink and rainbow colours.

Surco a Surco Karakola
We are an agroecological production and consumption cooperative, working since 2002 and we are actually formed by eight food consumption groups, which are located in different neighbourhoods in Madrid. We have our own vegetable patch and we consume the vegetables that we produce there. The agroecological approach is more that eating ecological vegetables: it’s about taking care for the health of the land, creating jobs in rural areas which should not be precarious, reducing the energy required to produce and to transport our food. We think it is both possible and necessary to do this in our actual society. We believe in sustainability through the good use and in an agricultural model not involving to accelerate its times or to manipulate its capacities with harmful chemicals.

Territorio doméstico
We are a group of mainly immigrant women employed as domestic workers and we provide a space for mutual support and struggle for our rights as workers. We consider ourselves a cross-border collective, being formed by women from different parts of the world. In this sense we are the central figures in the global chain of care work and therefore our politics emerges from ourselves, from our experience and knowledge. For this reason our slogan is "without us, the world doesn't move" and our logo is the image of a woman with a cogwheel.

Transfeminist self-defense
We are a self-run group of women, dykes and trans* who use the Ekka for training in feminist self-defence techniques. Self-defence is an important means of individual and collective empowerment, which strengthens our solidarity and self-awareness. We use transfeminist self defence to challenge the stereotyped female role of passive victims and the myth that men are stronger than women. We raise our consciousness that fear, defencelessness and weakness are social constructs and therefore we have the power to transform this fear into anger and strength, allowing us to respond to different types of aggression.

Feminist reading and debate groups in English and French
We have two heterogeneous groups of women, dykes and trans* who meet once a month to debate a given text from a feminist perspective. The debates as well as the text are in English and French. We use these languages in order to be up to date both with texts which haven't been translated to Castellan and contemporary debates. We also want to create a forum for people who prefer to use English or French or would like to practice it. The groups are open and no long-term commitment is needed, so if you're interested, come and give it a try!

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Engagement social