Fem créixer l'espai educatiu La Font / Hagamos crecer el espacio educativo La Font

Financié le 19 / 08 / 2013
Success story!
£ 5,130
£ 3,801
£ 5,068
86 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 13


    Your name in the list of acknowledgments of our website.

    > 22 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 30

    Mural art

    Your name on the wall of the school yard art made by all children + A list of acknowledgments of our website.

    > 22 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 46


    Entrance to the concert choir thank the members of the source + Your name in artistic mural in the courtyard of the school conducted by all children + A list of acknowledgments of our website

    > 09 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 84


    $ 5 Discount for one year for each year that is made from the SOURCE Association (courses in agriculture, education, emotional, and child care and natural remedies) + Entry to the concert chorus of thanks members of the source + Your name in artistic mural in the courtyard of the school conducted by all children + A list of acknowledgments of our website.

    > 07 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 211

    Free training courses

    Free admission to the training sessions of the source + $ 5 Discount for one year for each year that is made from the SOURCE Association (agriculture courses, education, emotional, and child care and natural remedies ) + Entry to the concert choir thank the members of the source + Your name on the wall of the school yard art made by all children + A list of acknowledgments of our website.

    > 03 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 422

    Games crafts

    A game that features a wool doll handmade entirely by mothers of the source and a complete set of wooden toys made by parents + Free admission to the training sessions of the source + Discount $ 5 each for a year course that is made from the SOURCE Association (agriculture courses, education, emotional, and child care and natural remedies) + Entry to concert choir thank the members of the source + Your name mural art on the school playground made for all children + A list of acknowledgments of our website.

    > 02 Cofinanceurs

Jornada de feines

04 | 06 | 2013

El nostre principal potencial és la qualitat humana i l' experiència vital de tots els seus membres. Intentem reduir costos mitjançant el treball col·laboratiu. Aquí en teniu un exemple de 20 pares treballant en equip!!


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