Laboratorio Ambulante para el Buen Vivir

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Finished 07 / 01 / 2015
$ 14,585
$ 11,055
$ 16,232
111 Backers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Digital Thank You Postcard

    All donations of 10€ and up will receive a digital "thank you" postcard with images donated by artists and photographers in solidarity with the project.

    > 22 Backers
  • Contributing $ 22

    Collectives in Action Kit

    Stickers and postcards from Collectives in Action, sent to your home.

    > 18 Backers
  • Contributing $ 43


    Double-sided, folding poster illustrating stories of resistance, resilience, and solidarity from Mexico to Colombia. A graphic more than 9 years in the making produced by the Beehive Design Collective. + Collectives in Action, sent to your home.

    > 16 Backers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Mobile Laboratory T-shirt

    A t-shirt designed by the Collectives in Action + Collectives in Action Kit, sent to your home.

    > 29 Backers
  • Contributing $ 163

    GRAVADO "Una pinta por Mesoamerica"

    Por cada donación hay una recompensa de un gravado único donado por artistas y colectivos que se indentifican con el proyecto.

    > 05 Backers
  • Contributing $ 272

    Your name in the Mobile Laboratory

    We'll put your name or the logo of your organization or collective in a designated space on our website, as well as in a space dedicated to collaborators in the mobile laboratory. + Poster + T-shirt + Collectives in Action Kit, sent to your home.

    > 04 Backers
  • Contributing $ 543

    Visit the Autonomous Center

    Come visit the Autonomous Center for the Intercultural Creation of Appropriate Technologies (CACITA) in Oaxaca, Mexico for 3 - 4 days, with room and board. We'll share our 10+ years of experience cultivating grassroots alternatives, as well as practical knowledge of eco-technologies. + Recognition by CACITA + Graphic poster + T-shirt + Collectives in Action Kit, sent to your home.

    > 04 Backers
  • Contributing $ 869

    Join the Mobile Laboratory

    Come and form part of the Caravana for the well-being of Mesoamerican peoples in resistance for one week. We will share the experiences and alternatives that we build from Mexico to Panama.

    > 02 Backers

Logro colectivo - A collective achievement

26 | 11 | 2014

(English below)




¡Estamos muy emocionad@s de anunciar nuestro gran logro del objetivo mínimo de la campaña! Esto significa que vamos a poder adquirir el transporte que nos llevará a comunidades en resistencia desde México a Panamá.


Vemos este logro increíble como totalmente colectiva: la campaña nunca hubiera sido posible sin el apoyo de cada persona, colectivo, organización y espacio, quienes ahora forman parte de nuestro devenir colectivo hacia Mesoamérica.


Ahora estamos entusiasmad@s para seguir la segunda ronda de 40 días adicionales en busca del óptimo, con el cual transformaremos el transporte en un laboratorio ambulante, con una cabina radiofónica y un estudio de video y television comunitaria, y como un centro demonstrativo de tecnologías apropiadas.


Nuestra red de solidaridad y apoyo mutuo sigue creciendo día con día, y cada día nos acercamos mas a poder transformar la Caravana en una realidad. Compas en los EEUU y otras partes ya están planificando eventos solidarios para apoyar esta fase de la campaña y conseguir el acopio de equipos y herramientas. 


Estamos en la realización de materiales y diseños para las postales, playeras, calcas, y demás recompensas, así como en la coordinación de su entrega a los participantes.


Sigue y informare en esta pagina para ver los avances del proyecto, y ponte en contacto en con cualquier pregunta o idea.


Gracias por tu apoyo, y abrazos fuertes y solidarios,

Colectivos en Acción






We’re very excited to announce that our campaign to create the Mobile Laboratory for the Well-being of Mesoamerican Peoples in Resistance has reached its minimum goal! This means we’ll be able to acquire the mode of transport that will bring us to communities in resistance from Mexico to Panama.


We see this wonderful achievement as entirely collective: the campaign would never have been possible without the support of each person, collective, organization, and space, who now all form part of our collective path towards Mesoamerica.


Now, we’re thrilled to continue the campaign with 40 additional days to reach our optimum, which will enable us to equip the laboratory with a radio cabin and a studio for community-based video and television, as well as transform it into a demonstrative center ofeco-technologies.


Our network of solidarity and mutual aid keeps growing every day, and every day we get closer to being able to make the Caravan a reality. Folks in the U.S. and other parts of the world are already planning events in solidarity with this second phase of the campaign, and we continue to seek donations of media equipment and tools. Plus, we’re getting busy making all of your collectively designed and hand-printed t-shirts and stickers and organizing their delivery :)


Please keep checking this page to follow the advances of the project, and get in touch at if you have any questions or thoughts!


Thank you for your support.


In solidarity,

Collectives in Action


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