Ayúdanos a mover L'Automàtica

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Financié le 12 / 03 / 2015
£ 13,997
£ 10,211
£ 12,933
279 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 9

    Mention on L'Automàtica's website

    We will create a section dedicated to this campaign. In it we will list all the people and entities who have granted their support and collaboration.

    > 17 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 17

    Special edition gratitude print

    We will create a special edition graphic piece designed and printed with movable type on cotton paper by the L'Automàtica team. This will be the last piece printed in the original premises. Along with acknowledgement on the website.

    > 128 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 43

    Pack of 3 original L'Automàtica prints

    Selection of 2 original pieces printed during the last few years in L'Automàtica along with a copy of the aforementioned special edition gratitude print.

    > 63 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 68

    Take part in an introductory workshop on the process of printing with movable type

    Our introductory workshops are hands-on one day intensive workshops. We will put together groups of 6 people per session. Dates will be proposed once this campaign has been completed.

    > 15 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 153

    Printing of personalised business cards

    By granting this amount you will receive 250 personalized business cards composed using movable type and printed in one ink on cotton paper or recycled card. You can attend and assist during the entire production process if you're interested.

    > 18 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 213

    Guided visit for groups from schools, institutions or universities

    A 2 to 3 hour session in L'Automàtica with detailed demonstrations and explanations outlining the processes required to print a piece using movable type. This reward is designed for groups from schools, institutuions or universities who would like to see this process up close. From the process of composing type to the printing of complete copies in L'Automàtica's presses.

    > 06 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 255

    Custom workshop

    A day in L'Automàtica. With the assistance and guidance of members of the association, you can come for a whole day to experiment with all the materials available in L'Automàtica. The pieces produced during this session will be for you to keep. If you have a project in mind, please get in contact with us so we can analyse if it is viable to produce in a day.

    > 02 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 1,276

    Custom printing workshop for schools, institutions and universities

    A 3-day intensive workshop designed specifically for schools and institutions. In this case, the members of L'Automàtica will get in contact with you to specifically design a workshop with the aim of integrating it with an educational program or adjusting it to the specific interests of an institution. Based on previous experience we recommend that these workshops do not exceed 12 students. In the case that it might be more than 12, please get in touch with L'Automàtica to study options.

    > 00 Cofinanceurs


03 | 02 | 2015

(En español, mas abajo)


Estem aclaparats, sorpresos i sobretot molt agraïts per la resposta en aquest inici de campanya, així que gràcies a tots!

Cada aportació, cada missatge de suport ens omple d'energia i, tot i que sabem que vénen uns dies de treball intens, ens sentim profundament agraïts i feliços de comptar amb totes les vostres complicitats.

Aprofitem aquesta curta publicació d'agraïment per dir que ja tenim la campanya íntegrament traduïda a l'anglès (i el vídeo subtitulat), gràcies a les traduccions que amb tant afecte ens ha fet en Simon Williams. Ara, si no ho heu fet, us demanem que ens doneu un cop de mà difonent la campanya als vostres contactes internacionals.

Gràcies! Gracias! Thank You!

Abraçades a tots



¡Gracias... y seguimos!

Estamos abrumados, sorprendidos y sobretodo muy agradecidos por la respuesta en este inicio de campaña, así que gracias a todos!

Cada aporte, cada mensaje de apoyo nos llena de energía, y aunque sabemos que vienen unos días de trabajo duro pronto, nos sentimos profundamente agradecidos y felices de contar con todas vuestras complicidades.

Aprovechamos esta corta publicación de agradecimiento, para decir que ya tenemos la campaña íntegramente traducida al inglés (y el vídeo subtitulado), gracias a las traducciones que con tanto cariño nos ha hecho Simon Williams (ojo al enlace) . Ahora, si no los habéis hecho ya, os pedimos que nos echéis una mano, difundiendo la campaña con vuestros contactos internacionales.

Gràcies! Gracias! Thank You!

abrazos a todos



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