CORAZONES VERDES. La Ciudadanía contra el Cambio Climático

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Financié le 31 / 07 / 2015
€ 9.300
€ 7.500
€ 10.000
135 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour € 5


    A huge thanks on social networks

    > 05 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour € 10


    Your name in the credits + Seeds to plant (international shipping costs not included)

    > 21 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour € 15


    Pin 350BCN + Your name in the credits + Seeds to plant (international shipping costs not included)

    > 20 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour € 20


    Preview access to first edit online + Pin 350BCN + Your name in the credits + Seeds to plant (international shipping costs not included)

    > 26 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour € 25


    Poster of the documentary + Preview access to first edit online + Pin 350BCN + Your name in the credits + Seeds to plant (international shipping costs not included)

    > 15 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour € 40


    Tote Bag 350 BCN + Poster of the documentary + Preview access to first edit online + Pin 350BCN + Your name in the credits + Seeds to plant (international shipping costs not included)

    > 11 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour € 60


    DVD of the documentary with bonus material + Tote Bag 350 BCN + Poster of the documentary + Preview access to first edit online + Pin 350BCN + Your name in the credits + Seeds to plant (international shipping costs not included)

    > 07 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour € 75


    Invitation to the screening of the documentary with the 350BCN team (travelling costs not included) + DVD of the documentary with bonus material + Tote Bag 350 BCN + Poster of the documentary + Preview access to first edit online + Pin 350BCN + Your name in the credits + Seeds to plant (international shipping costs not included)

    > 03 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour € 100


    Green energy contract with Som Energia (Catalunya and Valencia) + Invitation to the screening of the documentary with the 350BCN team (travelling costs not included) + DVD of the documentary with bonus material + Tote Bag 350 BCN + Poster of the documentary + Preview access to first edit online + Pin 350BCN + Your name in the credits + Seeds to plant (international shipping costs not included)

    > 15 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour € 150


    Signed copy of Naomi Klein’s book ‘This changes everything’ + Green energy contract with Som Energia (Catalunya and Valencia) + Invitation to the screening of the documentary with the 350BCN team (travelling costs not included) + DVD of the documentary with bonus material + Tote Bag 350 BCN + Poster of the documentary + Preview access to first edit online + Pin 350BCN + Your name in the credits + Seeds to plant (international shipping costs not included)

    > 03 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour € 200


    Information activity organized by 350BCN for your community, company or association + Invitation to the screening of the documentary with the 350BCN team (travelling costs not included) + DVD of the documentary with bonus material + Poster of the documentary + Preview access to first edit online + Pin 350BCN (international shipping costs not included)

    > 02 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour € 300


    Your logo in the final credits + Invitation to the screening of the documentary with the 350BCN team (travelling costs not included) + DVD of the documentary with bonus material + Poster of the documentary + Preview access to first edit online (international shipping costs not included)

    > 01 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour € 1.000


    Your logo in the credits as a Production Associate + Logo on the poster and DVD case of the documentary + Invitation to the screening of the documentary with the 350BCN team (travelling costs not included) + DVD of the documentary with bonus material + Poster of the documentary + Preview access to first edit online (international shipping costs not included)

    > 01 Cofinanceurs

¿Quieres saber más sobre #CorazonesVerdes? ¡Te lo explicamos en vivo y en directo!

21 | 05 | 2015
¿Quieres saber más sobre #CorazonesVerdes? ¡Te lo explicamos en vivo y en directo!

Hola Corazones Verdes!!! Ya hace más de una semana y media que lanzamos esta campaña de crowdfunding para producir el documental "Corazones Verdes" y estamos emocionados y sorprendidos con vuestras aportaciones. ¡Ya hemos superado los 1.700 euros y ya son más de 45 donadores que creen en este proyecto!

Estamos en buen camino pero queremos seguir haciendo más y compartir esta aventura con todos vosotros. Por este motivo, hemos organizado un evento el próximo domingo 31 de mayo en l'Espai Fontana, en el que a partir de las 17h y durante toda la tarde os contaremos el origen del proyecto y las razones que nos han motivado a ponerlo en marcha. Todo ello en un ambiente lúdico, en el que palabras, imágenes, dibujos y música se mezclarán para disfrutar de una tarde especial con los productores y el resto del equipo de 350BCN. ¡Únete a la fiesta y ven a conocernos!

Encuentra todos los detalles en nuestro evento Facebook:


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