Emigra o degenera (I): Bienvenidos a Suecia

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Classé le 03 / 05 / 2014
€ 3.320
€ 5.600
€ 10.600
52 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour € 5

    Mention in social networks

    Public thanks on social networks + Digital certificate of collaboration

    > 07 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour € 15

    Mention on the project website and social networks

    Public thanks for your contribution on the project website and social networks + a digital certificate of participation in the project + we will inform you about the progress and development of the project in a personalized way.

    > 13 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour € 30

    Poster and mention in credits

    We will send you the documentary poster and we will mention you in the credits. You'll stay informed of project development in a personalized way.

    > 14 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour € 60

    Mention in the credits of the documentary

    We will include you in the credits of the documentary. We will inform you about the progress and development of the project in a personalized way.

    > 04 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour € 100

    Digital Copy of the film

    We will send you a digital copy of the work via the Internet + The official production poster + You will be included in the credits + We will thank publicly your contribution through social networking website.

    > 04 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour € 200

    DVD copy

    We'll send you a copy of the DVD + The official production poster + You will be included in the credits + We will thank publicly your contribution through social networking website created ad hoc.

    > 00 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour € 500


    You will be included as a sponsor of the documentary and associate producer + We will also send you a copy of the DVD + The official poster production + We'll include you in the credits of the documentary and we will publicly thank your help through the social networking. We will respond your doubts and information requests in a personal way.

    > 02 Cofinanceurs

El actor Carlos Bardem pide apoyo para nuestro proyecto

18 | 04 | 2014

Ha sido todo un detalle que nuestro admirado actor Carlos Bardem se haya comprometido en la defensa y difusión de nuestro proyecto.


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