PROJECTE HANDWORK: Un model cooperatiu per Aules Obertes

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  • Bijdragen £ 4


    In the web environment, your name will appear in the space destined for the patrons and you will receive an invitation of two persons for the act of presentation of the project.

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 13

    SWEET COOKIE (60 kumes)

    In the web environment, your name will appear in the space for the patrons and you will receive an invitation for two people for the event of presentation of the project. You will also receive 4 butter cookies, personalized for the holiday that you wish.

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 17

    SAINT GEORGE (90 kumes)

    In the web environment, your name will appear in the spacefor the patrons and you will receive an invitation for two people for the event of presentation of the project. We will hand in to the person that you indicate us, 3 jelly roses with it dedicatory.

    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 21

    ANTIMOSQUITOS (120 kumes)

    In the web environment, your name will appear in the spacefor the patrons and you will receive an invitation for two people for the event of presentation of the project. In this reward, we will construct for you a nest for bats. In the case that they do colony in the front of your house, you will have the free environment of night mosquitos.

    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 26

    “CALÇOTADA” (150 kumes)

    In the web environment, your name will appear in the spacefor the patrons and you will receive an invitation for two people for the event of presentation of the project. You will also receive two income for the calçotada that takes place in February. What could be better than sharing with us a magnificent food of "calçots" produced and cooked by the cooperative.

    > 36 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 30

    210 KUMES

    If you choose this reward you will receive the equivalent to 35 € in Kumes, to turn them into the material rewards where we indicate the value in Kumes. 6 kumes are equivalent to 1 € and it is possible to observe that there is an applied offer. An example: 1 Saint George (90K) + 1 Antimosquitos (120K) = 210 Kumes. The cost separately of these rewards is 45 €. Moreover, your name will appear in the space destined for the patrons in the web environment and you will receive an invitation for two people for the event of presentation of the project

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 51


    Reward thought for the professional of the education who wants to know first hand the project. A member of the staff will attend to you during the whole morning and you will be able to continue to the group doing the cooperative works that are made. In the web environment, your name will appear in the space destined for the patrons and you will receive an invitation for two people for the event of presentation of the project.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 60

    420 Kumes

    If you choose this reward you will receive the equivalent to 70 € in Kumes, to turn them into the material rewards where we indicate the value in Kumes. 6 kumes are equivalent to 1 € and it is possible to observe that there is an applied offer. An example: 2 Dulce Galletas (120K) + 2 Saint George (180K) + 1 Antimosquito (120K) = 420 Kumes. The cost separately of these rewards serious of 95 €. Moreover, your name will appear in the space destined for the patrons in the web environment and you will receive an invitation for two people for the event of presentation of the project.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 85


    We will mention the name of the nursery school in the web environment and we will hand in the works that we had previously agreed to make. It can be a kitchenette made of wood or easy construction games.
    You will receive an invitation for two people for the event of presentation of the project.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 427


    Your name will have a highlighted space in the web and we will move to your center to present, coach and supportyour future cooperative project. You will have access to the zone restricted of the web platform, where there will be the materials and key contents for the development of the project.
    Moreover, we will invite as many people as you like to the event of presentation of the project.

    > 00 Co-financiers
Our collective reward after Goteo's campaign is already available through our project's website.
This is almost done! Our way through Goteo has also allowed us to explain ourselves.

Josep Matalí, dóna suport al projecte

Josep Matalí, cap de Secció de Psicologia i CCEE de la unitat de Conductes Addictives del Servei de Psiquiatria i Psicologia de l'Hospital Sant Joan de Deu, ens diu:
*"El vostre projecte reuneix tots els requisits per ajudar als joves a tornar...

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Taller d'elaboració de galetes al COOKIES PARADISE

Ja hem iniciat l'empoderament dels alumnes amb els diversos tallers per anar preparant les recompenses.
Cookies Paradise, empresa de pastisseria decorativa de Granollers, ens ha animat amb el projecte i a més, seguirà col·laborant amb Handwork...

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We made it! Campaign successfully funded in Goteo thanks to lots of people ;)
Great! Minimum funding goal accomplished! Thanks to all of you who supported and spread our campaign in Goteo!
We are nearly 100, feel like giving it a try and help us reach that?
Thanks to people's support, our project is very close to become true!
Last three days! We count on you as we already did on them.


La primera cistella, la del pas dels 4000 €, va ser per la cofinançadora Teresa Prat, directora de l'Escola Castell de Dosrius.

Ja som a la recta final d'assolir el mínim per començar el retorn de les...
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Hem superat els 5000 !

Molt contents d'haver assolit aquesta nova fita, ho celebrem i compartim amb alegria i amor.

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Tic-tac, key minute to support us through Goteo this week. We need you!

Handwork a Ràdio 4

Ahir al vespre vam anar a Ràdio 4 al programa  conduït per la Pilar Sampietro,Vida Verda, a presentar el Projecte Handwork.

Ens pots escoltar a partir del minut 19 de programa, clicka aquí.

Les nostre eines: les mans...
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A punt de fer els 4000€

Tenim una recompensa especial pel qui faci saltar el marcador a 4000€.

Una cistella de verdura del nostre hort !

Juntament amb la recompensa escollida us farem arribar la cistella amb enciams, cols, tomàquets i tots els productes...
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This crowdfunding campaign started 20 days ago, but we need more than money!
Half of the thermometer achieved, we now go for the rest of it!
It's been week now we launched our campaign. Find our reasons here (click).
We are campaigning in order to achieve our objectives (click here!).
Our campaigns starts moving but there's still a way ahead and it is all-or-nothing!
This is what we want to do and these is who we are.

Entrevista al programa Magazin de Ràdio Granollers

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Roda de premsa de l'inici de campanya. AraGranollers

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First few donations, thanks! :)
This campaign kicks off!